MP+ (MPEGplus Audio): See Musepack Audio.MPA (MPEG Audio): See MPEG Audio Layer II.ATRAC or Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding (.aa3.Adaptive differential pulse-code modulation.WMA Lossless (Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless).MPEG-4 SLS (MPEG-4 Scalable lossless coding mode).MPEG-4 ALS (MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding).LPAC (Lossless Predictive Audio Coding).DTS-HD (Lossless variant of DTS- DTS-HD Master Audio).The current piece I’m working on has 51 tracks and is probably going to be around 12 minutes long. Since the instruments don’t sound great in SP, I’m trying to find a way to make the music I write sound better. NPR - A Steinberg Nuendo file for saving arrangements (2002 - ). I write music in Symphony Pro, a music notation app like Notion.CPR - A Steinberg Cubase SX file for saving projects (2002 - ).ARR - A Steinberg Cubase VST file for saving arrangements (pre 2002).ALL - A Steinberg Cubase VST file for saving songs (pre 2002).Propellerhead Reason ReFill Sound Bank (.rfl).

#Musical notation program symhpony with audio pdf
For an excellent introduction to the issues around audio and video formats, see A Primer on Codecs for Moving Image and Sound Archives - and 10 Recommendations for Codec Selection & Management PDF version.22 Unclassified (need to move to other categories).17 Programming languages and APIs (audio/music-specific).16 Playlists, music libraries, music store downloaders.11 Identifiers of musical works, recordings, artists, etc.